Developed by Focus on the Family Singapore, this starter kit is a great way to get your family started on your faith at home journey. Use it to address adhoc issues that pop up; as conversation starters at dinner time; or as consistent once-a-week devotional material. Simply pick up and use!
Includes 4 items:
1) Notes of Affirmation
Use these unique cards to affirm and appreciate your child and totally make their day!
2) Powerful Blessings For Your Child
This little booklet provides you with sample blessings that you can use to start speaking God's promises into your child's life today.
3) Answers To Your Child's Questions
A list of commonly asked questions from children and clear and concise response parents can make, coupled with a corresponding Bible verse to read with the child.
4) Planting Seeds of Biblical Truth
A booklet of 52 weekly family devotionals, each containing faith-affirming biblical principles, to encourage, support and pray for each other.
Huge thanks to our friends at Focus for letting us carry this product at the special partner price of $25 (UP $30)!