2025 Family Devotional Wall Planner! WP4OFF for $4 Off!

Sticky Situations!

TTB Sticky Situations

In a world painted in shades of grey, things can get real sticky, real fast! How do we differentiate black from white, wrong from right when they seem to blend into each other?

God's Word is the ultimate arbiter of objective truth.

God's Word is the ultimate arbiter of objective truth - the Bible may have been written to a different audience, but its principles and values are timeless and designed to foster human flourishing. When we learn to apply what God's Word teaches to our lives, we are closer to living as God intended!

As you go through this year's devotional theme of "Sticky Situations" as a family, we hope that the monthly scenarios will resonate with you and your kids. As you discuss the various options (or come up with your own), think: what is guiding your decision-making? Are we just paying lip service to what we know are the "model answers", or are our lives truly being transformed so that our attitudes and actions line up with our words?

After reading and discussing each week's scenario, use the weekly devotional prompters in your wall planner to look at what the Bible says about the topic. Head over to our Instagram account @thetreasureboxsg or subscribe to our mailing list for weekly insights from our guest contributors!

We hope that this resource will be a blessing to you and your family in 2024, and that as a family, you will learn how when we face sticky situations in life, God’s word helps us get un-stuck!


December: What if the Good News isn't good news?

Theme: Evangelism

Sharing the Good News about Jesus is not just a suggested activity for Christians - it's a command from our Lord Himself! Sounds intimidating? Well, it's not meant to be so - after all, you don't have to hold the title of an Evangelist to tell others about Jesus. It's as simple as living out what it means to be an obedient follower of Christ!

This month, let’s explore how we can be effective evangelists for Christ anytime and anywhere - even when it's hard. Let’s explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.



Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

Have you ever lost something precious? Imagine how much more God feels for those who are far from Him. 💔 Matthew 18:12–14 reminds us that God rejoices over every lost soul that is found. This week, encourage your kids to make a list of friends or family who don’t yet know Jesus. How can your family share His love with them? 🐑❤️ Every life matters to God!

📖 Read

Matthew 18:12–14 NIV

What do you think? If a man owns a hundred sheep, and one of them wanders away, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the hills and go to look for the one that wandered off? And if he finds it, truly I tell you, he is happier about that one sheep than about the ninety-nine that did not wander off. In the same way your Father in heaven is not willing that any of these little ones should perish.

🤔 Reflect
When we lose something, it can make us feel sad - even more so if it’s a person that we know. This week’s verse reminds us that God cares about people, and that he is not willing that anyone should be lost or separated from Him!

Make a list of people you know who do not follow Jesus. Plan how you could get a chance to tell them about Jesus.


Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

Praying for someone to know Jesus can feel like sowing seeds in tears, but Psalm 126:5–6 reminds us that those seeds will one day bring a harvest of joy! 🌱💧 This week, focus on one person who needs Jesus. Pray for their needs and ask God to soften their heart. Your prayers are never wasted—God is always at work! 🙏 Who will you lift up in prayer today? ❤️

📖 Read

Psalm 126:5–6 NIV

Those who sow with tears
will reap with songs of joy.
Those who go out weeping,
carrying seed to sow,
will return with songs of joy,
carrying sheaves with them.

🤔 Reflect

Praying for someone to know Jesus can be a long and tearful process. Some people pray for their family members for years! But we know that our prayers are not in vain because God hears them and answers them in due time.


Focus on one name on your list. Do they have any needs that you could pray for? What is holding them back from accepting Christ? Pray for them continually.


Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

True greatness isn’t about power—it’s about serving others, just like Jesus did. 🙌 Matthew 20:25–28 reminds us that to lead others to Christ, we must start by serving them with love and humility. 💛 Is there someone you struggle to get along with? Pray for the strength to serve them this week. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words. How can your family serve with love today? ✨

📖 Read

Matthew 20:25–28 NIV

Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”

🤔 Reflect

Jesus says that the best way to reach people is not by bossing them around like we know better or are “holier” than them. Rather, He sets the perfect example - to reach and win someone, we should serve them!


Is there someone you don’t like or who doesn’t like you? They need Jesus too. Pray and ask God to help you be a servant to them, like Jesus was.


Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

Being a missionary doesn’t always mean going far away—sometimes it means starting right where you are. 🌏 Acts 1:8 reminds us that the Holy Spirit empowers us to share the Good News. This week, talk with your kids about how they can be a light to friends from other countries. A small act of kindness or a conversation about Jesus can make a big impact. Who can you reach out to today? 💬❤️

📖 Read

Acts 1:8 NIV

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

🤔 Reflect

Every believer is called to be a missionary. But we should start where we live! God has brought the world to Singapore. We can share the Good News with people from other countries, right where we live.


Do you have a classmate or friend who is from another country? How can you share about Jesus with them in a way that they would understand?


✍️ This month's devotions are contributed by Pastor Elaine Kwok. Ps Elaine has been the Children’s Pastor at Queenstown Baptist Church since 2001. She is passionate to see inter-generational families learning and growing together, sharing God’s love, transforming lives and impacting communities for eternity. She believes that healthy families make healthy churches, and that faith begins at home.

Elaine is happily married to Jason Tan and they have three wonderful children: Daniel (13), Joseph (12), Esther (10).

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, visit bit.ly/thetreasureboxsg



November: But It's My Birthday!

Theme: Practicing Generosity

“But why should I share? I don’t want to!” 😤

Sound familiar? Getting kids to share what they love can be one of the most challenging things to do. Sharing isn’t a natural part of who we are - we’re wired to want to keep things to ourselves; particularly the things that we like or enjoy.

That’s why biblical generosity is so counter-cultural and counter-intuitive. Real generosity always involves sacrifice, the giving up of one’s own rights for the benefit of someone else. What drives selfishness then is not so much the act of giving something away - but rather, the fear of what we lose in the process.

This month, let’s explore how we can learn and teach our children about the value of generosity, and why it should be a hallmark of every Christian - young or old!

Let’s explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.


Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

How do we teach our children the true meaning of generosity? It’s not about giving more but giving with joy! 🥰 2 Corinthians 9:7 reminds us that God loves a cheerful giver. This week, let’s encourage our kids to give from their hearts, no matter the amount, and reflect God’s generous nature. Ask them, “How does it feel when we give with joy?” 💖

📖 Read

2 Corinthians 9:7 NIV

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

🤔 Reflect
Notice that the verse says God loves those who give cheerfully, not those who give a lot. What does this tell you about what being generous really means to God? In what ways is being generous a reflection of God’s nature?

Pray: Lord, help us learn that being generous is not just what we do, but how we do it. Help us to have generous hearts so that out of it will flow generous acts.


Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

Did you know that being content is key to being truly generous? 💡 1 Timothy 6:6 teaches that “godliness with contentment is great gain.” This week, let’s help our kids list the blessings they already have and talk about how gratitude frees us from wanting more. How can a content heart lead us to be more giving? 💕

📖 Read

1 Timothy 6:6 NIV

But godliness with contentment is great gain.

🤔 Reflect

A contented person is often a generous person. When we are happy with what we already have, we will not be jealous of others or want more for ourselves.


Make a checklist of the things that God has blessed you with. Are you contented? Or do you find yourself still wishing you had more?


Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

Generosity isn’t just about giving—it’s about seeing those around us who need a little extra care. Proverbs 22:9 says, “The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.” 🥖 This week, let’s encourage our kids to look around and notice someone in need. How can your family bless them? A small act of kindness could make a big difference. ❤️

📖 Read

Proverbs 22:9

The generous will themselves be blessed, for they share their food with the poor.

🤔 Reflect

Have you stopped to notice those around you who may not have as much as you do? A classmate; a colleague; the old man who sleeps on a piece of cardboard at the void deck - how is God calling you to be generous to these?


As a family, find a way to show generosity to someone in need. It could be as simple as buying food for a neighbour, or volunteering at a homeless shelter.


Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

Generosity isn’t just about giving things—it’s also about giving forgiveness. 💞 In Matthew 18, Jesus shows us that forgiveness is one of the most powerful gifts we can give, just as God generously forgave us. This week, let’s talk with our kids about forgiving others freely, even when it’s hard. Who could use a little extra grace from us today? 🙏

📖 Read

Matthew 18:33

Shouldn’t you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you?

🤔 Reflect

We often think of generosity in terms of time, energy and money. But God’s most generous gift to humankind was the gift of forgiveness through His Son Jesus. In the same way, God calls us to be generous in the way we forgive others too.


Is there someone you have a hard time forgiving for what they’ve done to you? Ask the Lord for His help to do so - freely.


✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Elvin and Esther Foong. Elvin and Esther are Family Life Educators and founders of The Treasure Box Singapore, a training and resource ministry that aims to help families grow closer to God and closer to each other. They have a wealth of experience working with children, parents and families, and enjoy helping churches and organisations with strategic planning and branding.

They have been happily married since 2008 and have 2 lovely children – Nathan and Phoebe.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, visit bit.ly/thetreasureboxsg



October: I Can't Do This Anymore!

Theme: Managing Exam Stress & Mental Health

IT’S EXAM SEASON 😱😣🫣🫨😵‍💫😵 (choose your own emoji)

In the midst of all the revision, the last-minute tuition, the frustration, the anxiety, the stress (choose your own panicky response)…

Is there room for us to experience God’s divine, overwhelming, all-encompassing peace? After all, He cares not only for our spiritual and physical health, but also the state of our mental and emotional health. As we navigate this potentially explosive season with our children, let’s remember to take a step back, see through their eyes and remind them that they have a God who sees them as infinitely valuable and lovable - regardless of what they score for their exams.

Let’s explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.



Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

📚 Finding Peace in Exam Stress 🙏

Exams can bring a lot of worry, but Philippians 4:6-7 reminds us that we can find peace by bringing our fears to God. Are we encouraging our kids to pause, pray, and trust that God is with them during stressful times? Let’s teach them to give thanks and seek His help as they prepare for their exams, knowing that His peace will guard their hearts.

📖 Read

Philippians 4:6–7 NIV

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

🤔 Reflect
Preparing for exams can make us feel scared. We can’t finish studying or we are afraid we can’t pass or do well. It’s comforting to know that God will give us peace in our hearts as we pray and tell him about our worries.

Spend time in prayer to remember and thank Him for a blessing in your life. Then pray and ask Him for help for your coming exams.


Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

🌸 Trusting God with Our Worries 🌸

Matthew 6:31-34 reassures us that God knows our needs and will take care of them. Instead of stressing over what tomorrow brings, let’s focus on what’s close to God’s heart today. Encourage your children to trust that God will care for them, even during busy exam periods. Take a moment as a family to thank Him for His faithful provision.

📖 Read

Matt 6:31-34 NIV

So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or “What shall we wear?’ For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

🤔 Reflect

This week’s verse reminds us that God will take care of everything for us. It reminds us to look after the things that are dear to God’s heart and God will look after the things that are dear to our hearts.


Take a walk in your neighbourhood and observe the birds in the trees and the flowers in the gardens around you. Give thanks to God for looking after you.


Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

🙏🏻Peace for Both Heart and Mind 🙏🏻

When worries make our minds race, 2 Timothy 1:7 reminds us that God gives us not fear, but a spirit of peace and a sound mind. Are we teaching our children to trust God for calm, not only in their hearts but also in their thoughts? Let’s help them pause, reflect, and thank God for the steady peace He offers in every situation.

📖 Read

2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV

For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

🤔 Reflect

Sometimes, we have many thoughts that go through our mind that make us feel confused, and scared. It is good to know that when our thoughts feel as if they are out of control, we can turn to God to give us a sound mind.


Make a list of things, people or situations that are good, true, noble, right, lovely and admirable. Give thanks to God for these and thank Him for giving you a sound and stable mind.


Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

🌟 Hope in God’s Good Plans 🌟

Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us that even when things don’t go as planned, God is still in control, working out good plans for us. Whether facing disappointment or loss, we can find hope in His promises. Take time as a family to listen to “God Will Make a Way” by Don Moen and pray together, thanking God for the future He has planned for you.

📖 Read

Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

🤔 Reflect

When we are feeling down because things have not happened as we hoped, or we experience sadness over failure or the loss of a loved one, we need to remind ourselves that God is in control and that He has good plans for us.


Google the song ‘God will Make a Way’ by Don Moen and worship Him together as a family with this song. Then pray to thank God for the good plan He has for your life.


✍️This month’s devotions are contributed by Dr Cheah Fung Fong. She has been serving in Children’s Ministry for over 20 years, and is currently the Vice-President of the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) of the Methodist Church of Singapore, as well as the Executive Director of Filos Community Services. A firm believer in faith formation in families, she is one of the co-chairs of the D6 Family Ministry.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, visit bit.ly/thetreasureboxsg




September: We're friends, right?

Theme: Friendship

"Friends are the family that we choose for ourselves." Research has shown that for children and adolescents, their friends play an outsized role in shaping their views and behaviour. After all, they spend the majority of their waking hours in close proximity with their friends in school (and sometimes after school too)!

As parents, one of the best gifts we can give our children is the wisdom to choose their friends well. But how can we do that? And how can we help our children to be the sort of friend who will be a positive influence to their friends, displaying Christlike attributes and a strong sense of Godly values?

Let's explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.


Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

🧩 What Makes a True Friend? 🧩

Teaching our kids the value of true friendship goes beyond just having fun. Proverbs 18:24 reminds us that a real friend is someone who sticks closer than a brother. Are we helping our children understand the importance of surrounding themselves with friends who help them grow? Let's guide them to build friendships that nurture both their hearts and character.

📖 Read

Proverbs 18:24 NLT

There are “friends” who destroy each other,
but a real friend sticks closer than a brother.

🤔 Reflect
What does it really mean to be a true friend to someone else? Does it always mean doing things that only make them happy? Or is it to help them grow stronger in their character?

Think about what you want from a friend. Are we surrounding ourselves with people that only make us feel good, but not necessarily grow as an individual?


Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

💬 The Wounds of a True Friend 💬

Not all words that sting are meant to harm. Proverbs 27:6 teaches us that sometimes, the most loving thing a friend can do is speak the truth, even when it hurts. Are we preparing our children to recognize and appreciate the honesty of true friends? Let’s pray for open hearts to accept these “wounds of truth” that shape us for the better.

📖 Read

Proverbs 27:6 NLT

Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy.

🤔 Reflect

Why do you think the Bible refers to some words from a sincere friend as “wounds”? Does knowing that these “wounds” come from a friend make them easier to receive?


Pray: Lord, help me have an open heart to receive “wounds of truth” from the friends who truly love me, even though it might be difficult to accept.


Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

🌱 Choosing Friends Wisely 🌱

Who our children walk with today shapes who they become tomorrow. Proverbs 13:20 reminds us that wise friends lead to a wise future. Are we guiding our kids to choose friends based on character rather than popularity? Let’s pray for wisdom in helping them build friendships that uplift and inspire.

📖 Read

Proverbs 13:20 NIRV

Walk with wise people and become wise. A companion of foolish people suffers harm.

🤔 Reflect

“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you your future.” Our friends play a huge role in shaping who we are. How do we choose our friends? What are some important qualities we should be looking out for?


Ask God to help you choose your friends wisely. May we not be drawn to popularity or personality, but to character and consistency.


Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

🗣️ Guarding Against Gossip 🗣️

Gossip can quietly destroy even the strongest friendships. Proverbs 16:28 warns us about the seeds of strife it plants. How are we teaching our children to respond when they hear rumors about their friends? Let’s have open family discussions on standing up for truth and being the kind of friend who protects others, not tears them down.

📖 Read

Proverbs 16:28 NLT

A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.

🤔 Reflect

What would you do if someone shared some gossip or a rumour with you about a friend? How would you respond?


Discuss this scenario together as a family. Talk about how true friends should respond when they hear gossip about someone else.


✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Elvin and Esther Foong. Elvin and Esther are Family Life Educators and founders of The Treasure Box Singapore, a training and resource ministry that aims to help families grow closer to God and closer to each other. They have a wealth of experience working with children, parents and families, and enjoy helping churches and organisations with strategic planning and branding.

They have been happily married since 2008 and have 2 lovely children – Nathan and Phoebe.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, visit bit.ly/thetreasureboxsg



August: Why me again?

Theme: Facing Injustice

We observe a lot of injustice around the world today - war, oppression, violence. But while our hearts might break for these situations, it doesn't get more personal than when we actually experience injustice in our own lives.

Perhaps it's a classroom bully who gets away scot-free every time; a manager who takes all the credit for the work that you do; a family member or relative who keeps borrowing money without any effort to repay. Whatever it might look like, personal injustice hurts and angers the most.

This month's scenario deals with such an issue. When Nicholas is placed on the spot by an unjust teacher, how should he respond? What is the best way forward?

Let's explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.



Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

“It’s not me!” Being accused of something we didn’t do, whether big or small, is the worst kind of injustice. It’s even worse if we have to bear some form of consequence despite our innocence. In Genesis 39, Joseph was carrying out his duty but ended up being accused for something he didn’t do. Joseph was placed in prison, but the Lord was with him and showed Joseph kindness and granted him the favour of the prison warden.

In times like this, it’s best to direct our complaints to God first. If you have a journal, write down the incident and how you feel. You can write it like a conversation to God. Share with your family members after that and pray together as a family. Remember to show empathy to other family members who share their situation, it may seem small to you, but it is significant to the person who is going through it.

📖 Read
Psalm 5:11-12 NIrV
But let all those who go to you for safety be glad.
       Let them always sing for joy.
Spread your cover over them and keep them safe.
       Then those who love you will be glad because of you.
Surely, Lord, you bless those who do what is right.
       Like a shield, your loving care keeps them safe.

🤔 Reflect
It’s natural to feel angry when we are treated unjustly. However, anger can keep us from seeing God’s blessings in our life. Like King David, we can tell God honestly how we feel and ask for His help to overcome these emotions to see the good that He has done.

Journal the injustice you experienced and how you feel. Then share about it with your family and pray together to commit it to the Lord.


Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

“It’s not fair!” Unfairness happens to everyone, Christian or not. What makes the difference is who we can turn to in times of trouble. Where can we seek help from? As children of God, we know that we can always turn to God and His Word. His Word, the Bible, is filled with good advice on how to respond to unfair situations we are in. And more importantly, His Word gives us hope in Him while we are dealing with these problems in life. 1 Samuel 1 tells the story of Hannah and Peninnah, the two wives of Elkanah (it was common in those days to marry more than one wife!) Hannah was looked down on by Peninnah because she had no children. Year after year Hannah continued to go to the temple and pray to God. The Bible says that on one occasion, Hannah wept bitterly, pouring out her soul to the Lord. But when she left, her face was no longer sad or downcast. She found strength and comfort in the word of the Lord!

📖 Read

James 1:2-5 NIV

Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.

🤔 Reflect

As God’s children, it takes faith to trust that God will deliver us from the trials we face. God wants us to go to Him and ask for His wisdom in handling situations that we need help in. When we do this, we grow in our faith!


Praise God with the song “Ask Seek Knock” by Hillsong Kids. Pray and ask God for wisdom to handle difficult situations and for the strength to overcome.


Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

“You do this to me, I do it back to you lor!” 

Revenge, or “an eye for an eye” seems to be the most reasonable thing to do when we face injustice. But the Bible teaches us an entirely different way. In Luke 6:27-31, Jesus set a new standard for the children of God to follow - to love your enemies and do good to them. What a tall order to do good to those who are mean to you! If you are thinking about how to get back at those who are mean to you, Jesus says that we are “to do to others what you would have them to do to you.” This also means that we should not do to others what we would not want them to do to us! Perhaps when we are tempted to take revenge, we should put ourselves in their shoes and hold back the desire to take action against those who had done wrong to us.

📖 Read

Colossians 3:13 NIrV

Put up with one another. Forgive one another if you are holding something against someone. Forgive, just as the Lord forgave you.

🤔 Reflect

Jesus forgave those who hurt Him even though he did nothing wrong. In fact, Jesus died on the cross to forgive the sins of the world. He set the example for us. Remember, forgiveness brings healing both to the person giving it and the person receiving it.


Read Romans 12:14. What is one thing you can pray for the person who hurt you? Ask God to bless them, and that they would come to know Jesus and His love.


Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

“Where is justice?” In this final week, we may still have this lingering thought in our mind. Yes, God is with us, we will grow in the midst of trial and Jesus teaches us to forgive when we face injustice. But what about us who had been misunderstood? What about the ‘bad guy’? In fact, we may often face the situation when the offender gets away scot-free, or we do not get a chance to clear our name. Jonah, the prophet in the Bible, could not believe it when nothing happened to the wicked Ninevites. In fact, he set up a camping site that oversaw Nineveh, just to wait and watch for punishment to be brought upon them. But God reminded Jonah that he did not have the right to be angry. God was actually telling Jonah to surrender his desire of wanting to see justice done, and leave it to a just and righteous God instead.

📖 Read

Psalm 9:7-10 NIrV

The Lord rules forever.
     He has set up his throne so that he can judge people.
He rules the world in keeping with what is right.
     He judges all its people fairly.
The Lord is a place of safety for those who have been treated badly.
     He keeps them safe in times of trouble.
Lord, those who know you will trust in you.
     You have never deserted those who look to you.

🤔 Reflect

God is 100% just but also 100% merciful. He desires for people to repent of their wrongs, but will bring justice in the right way at the right time. Do we trust His character, or are we trying to take justice into our own hands?


Worship together with the hymn “His Mercy is More” by Getty Music.


✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Wendy Tay. Wendy is part of the pastoral team at Charis Methodist Church, specifically overseeing Church School. Wendy finds joy inleading children in praise and worship and teaching them the word of God. She also emphasizes intentional discipleship within her own family. Wendy is married and has three children, two boys aged 15 and 13, and a 10-year-old girl.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, visit bit.ly/thetreasureboxsg



July: Why are you sick, mum?

Theme: Loving the family

"I need this done but my plans cannot work out now because mum is sick."
"I am not upset at mum for falling sick but why does it have to be today?"
"Would mum finds me bothersome or disruptive if I were to fall sick?"
"Why am I feeling this way?"

What a moral dilemma here.. 1 John 3:18 NIV say that "Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth."

Let's explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.



Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

📖 Read
Psalm 127:3 NIrV
Children are a gift from the Lord. They are a reward from him.

🤔 Reflect
Have you ever thought that you – the child, are God’s gift to your parents? What do people do when they receive a gift, especially one that they really desire or look forward to? Parents - share with your child what was your first feeling and expression when your child was born.

Listen or sing along to “Masterpiece” by Sandi Patty and thank God in prayer for each child.


Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

God has commanded children to obey and honour their parents. But sometimes, it can be difficult to do so when we want to do things our way.

📖 Read

Ephesians 6:1-3 NIrV

1 Children, obey your parents as believers in the Lord. Obey them because it is the right thing to do. 2 Scripture says, “Honor your father and mother.” That is the first commandment that has a promise. 3 “Then things will go well with you. You will live a long time on the earth.”

🤔 Reflect

What did God promise to those who honour their father and mother? What can children (this includes adults!) do to show honour or respect to their parents?


Ask your parents what is the one thing that you can or should do to make them feel most honoured or respected. Then ask God in prayer to help you to do them with joy and obedience to the Lord.


Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

Families are not perfect because human beings make mistakes every now and then. Sometimes, the people who hurt us the most are our family members. But God wants us to forgive one another because He has forgiven us in Christ when He died for us on the cross.

📖 Read

Ephesians 4:32 ICB

Be kind and loving to each other. Forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ.

🤔 Reflect

Movie star Jackie Chan once said: “Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and care to change a person’s life.“ How have others in your family shown you kindness which changed your life for the better?


Whenever you feel hurt by a family member and find it difficult to forgive, remember what Jesus said as He hung dying on the cross (Luke 23:24a, NLT). Ask God to help you to forgive that person and to do something kind for them.


Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

Strong families make strong churches and nations. When our nation is supported by strong churches with strong families, it will be blessed by our God to be stable, strong and successful.

📖 Read

Galatians 6:10 ICB

When we have the opportunity to help anyone, we should do it. But we should give special attention to those who are in the family of believers.

🤔 Reflect

Think of the people whom you meet in your school, neighbourhood and church. What is one thing that you think they might need you to help them with?


List the things that you will or can do to obey God’s command in Hebrews 13:16 NCV - “Do not forget to do good to others, and share with them, because such sacrifices please God.” 


✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by David Leong @davidleongsc who is an itinerant Children & Families Educator of Grace Methodist Church and one of the Vice-Chairpersons of the Methodist Chinese Annual Conference Board of Family Life, overseeing its Children’s sub-committee. He holds a MA in Christian Studies from Regent College, and was with Scripture Union Singapore for 23 years, including as its Executive Director.
David married Cynthia in 1987 and they have three young adult children.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, visit bit.ly/thetreasureboxsg


June: The Sick Classmate

Theme: Caring for others

It's interesting to note that here in Singapore, there actually are national-level campaigns aimed at getting people to care for each other. It's almost as if showing care and concern is no longer something that comes to us naturally - we need government initiatives to help us do so!

Whether it's due to our Asian culture or the Kiasu Singaporean mindset where we're fixated on winning and getting ahead, it seems that caring for others has become yet another task on our to-do list, instead of something that stems from our being and beliefs. However, as Christians, we are commanded by Christ to love as we have been loved. Regardless of our natural inclinations, we are called to show care for others simply because we are recipients of Christ's love.

How should we show care and concern for others as a result? What are our own personal motivations when we do so? These are important things to think about - for it is by this that "all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another." (John 13:35)

Let's explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.


Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

📖 Read
Matthew 14:14-21

When He went ashore He saw a great crowd, and He had compassion on them and healed their sick.

🤔 Reflect
Jesus’ care and concern for people was motivated by his compassionate love. What motivates us when we show care for others? Are we truly looking to meet the needs of others, or are we more interested in satisfying ourselves?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Pray and ask God to reveal and refine the true motivations of our heart when we care for and help others.

Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

📖 Read
John 13:34-35

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”

🤔 Reflect
The commandment to “love one another” wasn’t necessarily new; it was already implied in the 10 Commandments. What was new was that Jesus had modeled it perfectly for His disciples - we are to love just as He loved.

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Google the Hebrew and Greek meanings of the word “compassion”. What conclusions can we draw? Is it just an emotion, or does it require action?

Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

📖 Read
John 3:16

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.

🤔 Reflect

Jesus’ care and compassion extended beyond healing and helping. His ultimate display of compassion is seen when He suffered and died on the Cross, so that our sins may be forgiven.

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
To care for others often involves sacrifice and inconvenience. What is something we have to give up in order to show Christlike care to someone else?

Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

📖 Read
Matthew 28:18-20

And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

🤔 Reflect

Christlike care for a person goes beyond the physical and emotional. It extends all the way to their eternal soul. To truly care for others means to find ways to share the Good News about Jesus with them - that would be our ultimate display of compassion to the world!

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Listen to “Facing a Task Unfinished” by the Gettys. Allow the words of this song to compel you towards showing care for others by sharing Jesus with them!


✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Ps Simon Say. Simon has been in full-time ministry since 2001 and is currently a pastor at Kum Yan Methodist Church, leading the English adult and children’s congregations and overseeing the youth ministry. Simon holds a MA in Christian Education from Singapore Bible College. His vision is to see families restored to their biblical roots through an authentic relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and engagement in His Word.

Simon is blessed with Huey Ming, his wife of twenty-five years and son, Zachary, aged nineteen.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.


May: It's Just A Joke...

Theme: Practising Self-Control

A popular Singaporean saying goes: "Good things must share!" But what if something we want to share with others... is not really that good? 🤔

This month's devos centre around the theme of practicing self-control, and what should guide us in the decisions that we make. Read the story, then discuss the options as a family. What would you do? Why?

Remember to exercise grace as you walk through some of these more delicate topics. As our kids share what's truly on their hearts and minds, let's give them the space to think and reflect about the choices they make. After all, learning about self-control is not just something that's reserved for kids... it's for us adults too!

Let's explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision!

Weekly devotional guides are below.


Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

In Psalm 19, King David ended his prayer with a humble surrender of his mouth and heart to the Lord. When we seek to align our words and meditations with the Lord, we open the door to a life filled with His transforming power! Our words hold the potential to not only reflect our relationship with God but also influence the atmosphere around us.

📖 Read
Psalm 19:14 (ESV)

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

🤔 Reflect
How often do we pause to consider whether our words and thoughts align with what is pleasing to God? What practical steps can we take to ensure that our speech and inner reflections are in harmony with God's will and character?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Heavenly Father, you are my strength and my redeemer. Create in me a new heart and renew a right spirit within me (Psalm 51:10) so that I might speak wisely to all those who are around me.

Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

Our words can have a profound impact on others. Just as salt enhances the flavour of food, our speech should season our conversations with grace, kindness and love as a source of encouragement and enlightenment to those around us.

📖 Read
Colossians 4:6 (NIV)

Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.

🤔 Reflect
How intentional am I about seasoning my conversations with grace, kindness and love? How might I give others a “taste” of what Jesus is like with the words that I speak?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Heavenly Father, help me to flavour the lives of others with Your goodness and love. Enable me to speak the truth in love to preserve the hope of Jesus in a world that has been spoiled by sin.

Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

Just as a door has a lock to control who enters, our lips should have a guard to filter the words we speak. When we ask God to set a guard over our mouth and keep watch over the door of our lips, we acknowledge our need for His guidance and control in our communication. There should not be any filthiness nor crude joking in the things that we say (Ephesians 5:4).

📖 Read
Psalm 141:3 (ESV)

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!

🤔 Reflect

How often do I seek God's help in guarding my speech and ensuring that my words are edifying and uplifting? When I feel tempted to repeat something someone might find hurtful, how can I remind myself how much Jesus loves me and choose to extend that same love to the person instead?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Heavenly Father, I humbly come before you recognising the power of my words and the influence they can have on those around me. Help me to filter my words through the lens of your wisdom; may my speech bring glory to your name.

Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

In a world where unwholesome talk and crude humour often prevail, we are called to a higher standard. Our words should be characterised by kindness and love to build up those around us rather than tear them down. When we speak with grace, we reflect the light of Christ in our lives.

📖 Read
Ephesians 4:15-16 (ESV)

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and held together by every joint with which it is equipped, when each part is working properly, makes the body grow so that it builds itself up in love.

🤔 Reflect

What kind of words do I speak? How often do my words communicate the love of Christ? In what ways can I actively choose to use my words to uplift and encourage others today?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Heavenly Father, help me not to thoughtlessly blurt out anything that pops into my head but to speak words of kindness and grace, reflecting Your love in all I say. Allow my communication to be a beacon of truth and light in a world often filled with darkness.


✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Dr Morgan Zhou (@morganzhou), a vice-principal in a local primary school. He also chairs the Board of Children Ministry in the Trinity Annual Conference of The Methodist Church in Singapore. He is passionate about mentoring, outreach to disadvantaged families, and is keenly interested in strengthening the education of children and youth with diverse abilities and special needs.

Married to Angela, they have two boys, Elijah and Elias, and a cat, Junior, who is not so junior anymore.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.


April: I Don't Feel Like Praising God...

Theme: Dealing with Personal Faith

Have you ever felt like your faith was weak? Times perhaps when you just didn't feel like going to church to worship God or read His word? If so, you are not alone. We all have times when we don't feel like praising God. The question is, what should we do in these situations? Should we give in to our emotions and our thoughts? Should we ignore them? Is there a better way?

Let's explore this Sticky Situation together!

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision! 

Weekly devotional guides are below.


Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

Have you ever had a really bad day when everything just went wrong? Or you may have seen how bad things happened to good people. These are moments where we would often feel lost, confused or angry, and sometimes question if God even cares. Does He know what I’m going through? Ps 121:3,8 clearly tells us that God watches over us every second of our lives. Yes, He cares. He is the all-knowing God. He knows what you are thinking and how you are feeling right now. So, have faith to believe that He is right there by your side when bad things happen, even when you can’t see or feel His presence.

📖 Read
Psalm 121:3,8 NIV
(v3) He will not let your foot slip - He who watches over you will not slumber.
(v8) The Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.

🤔 Reflect
Consider this: God watches over us every second of our lives. He cares that we are feeling lost, confused or angry because of bad things that happen. He is right there by our side.

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Write down on a piece of paper all the seemingly ‘bad’ situations that you are going through now. Talk to God about how you honestly feel about them. (Keep this paper for next week’s response activity).

Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

If He cares, why then do all these bad things happen to me?

We may have been taught that God will always help us and bless us with good things. So when ‘bad’ situations happen, it doesn’t make sense how a good God would not take them away immediately. In Isaiah 55:9, God declares that “My ways (are) higher that your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” It means God is fully aware of what’s happening and is fully in control of why certain situations happen to different people. This calls us to humbly recognise that He is God and we are not. Faith is believing that He knows exactly what He is doing.

📖 Read

Isaiah 55:8-9 ESV

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.“ As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.”

🤔 Reflect

God is fully aware of what’s happening and is in full control of why certain situations happen to different people. Our response is to surrender the situation to Him and trust Him to work things out according to His (higher!) ways.

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond

Take the list of ‘bad’ situations you wrote last week. Fold it and put it inside an envelope. Seal the envelope and write these words on it: “GOD WILL TAKE CARE OF THEM IN HIS WAYS.” Pray and surrender them to God.

Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

What is God doing about all these ‘bad’ situations?

God is a master of turning bad things around into something wonderful. When our parents fall very sick, it could be a way that God uses to cause them to rest because of overworking in their job. When our siblings are giving us a hard time at home, it could be a way God uses to teach us kindness and to be more patient. Faith is believing that God can use any situation for something good (Romans 8:28), especially to help us to be more like Jesus in character.

📖 Read

Romans 8:28 NIV

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.

🤔 Reflect

God is able to use ‘bad’ situations and turn them into something good. God uses them to change us so that we can be more like Jesus in character.

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond

For every one of the ‘bad’ situations that you are experiencing, try to think of one good thing that can come out of the situation which will help you develop the character of Jesus. Give thanks to God for the work He is doing for you.

Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

What must I do when I face all the ‘bad’ situations?

Even though Jesus was wrongfully accused, beaten and eventually killed even though He was innocent, He did not fight back or take revenge on those who hurt him. Instead, He loved and did good to everyone. We can learn the ways of Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:15 commands us not to pay back wrong for wrong, but to do good to everyone instead. By this, our actions will become an offering of sacrifice that pleases God (Hebrews 13:15-16). Faith is believing that the more we follow His ways, the more we will develop the character of Jesus in us.

📖 Read

1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIV

Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else.

Hebrews 13:15-16 NIV

Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise—the fruit of lips that openly profess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.

🤔 Reflect

Just as Jesus would continue to love and do good to those who hurt him, we can be like Him, doing good in love to those who might be making us angry or hurting us. By this, we become more like Jesus.

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond

Give thanks to God for teaching us what it means to love and continue to do good even when we go through bad situations. Pray that we will learn to be more like Jesus as we follow His ways.


✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Pastor Joshua Wong, a Pastoral Staff at Covenant Evangelical Free Church. He graduated from NTU with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1992 and worked as an engineer for 8 years before the Lord called him out to full-time Children’s Ministry. He got his Masters degree from Singapore Bible College in 2011. He is married to Sharon with two grown-up kids, aged 21 and 18.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

March: To click or not to click?

Theme: Practicing Cyberwellness

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision! 

Weekly devotional guides are below.


Week 1 Family Devotional Guide
Being curious about something is good; we want to find out what we don’t know. We need to remember to look for information from safe and trusted places. Just because a friend tells us to watch something does not mean it is safe and good for us. God sent us parents and other adults to love us and take care of us, and we can ask them for help to stay safe, both online and offline.

📖 Read
Proverbs 9:10 NLT
Fear of the Lord is the foundation of wisdom.

🤔 Reflect
God is the Creator of heaven and earth and everything in this world belongs to Him - even the internet and social media! Stay close to God; keep learning from your parents and other loving adults whom He has surrounded you with, and you will grow wiser each day.

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Pray and thank God for giving family and other adults who love and care for you. Ask Him to help you be wise when you are tempted!

Week 2 Family Devotional Guide
Sometimes we want to fit in with the crowd; when our friends say something is fun, we also want to see if it is fun. It is ok to like what our friends like or do what they do, as long as it is right and safe. It is also ok to say “No”, even if it means being different from our friends.

✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Carol Loi (@joyful.carol), a verified digital wellness educator and a Fellow of the Centre for Media Literacy.

📖 Read

Galatians 1:10 NLT

🤔 Reflect

What are some areas that you may feel pressured to fit in with your friends? Gaming too often with friends? Watching media content that you know is not kind or pleasing to God? Speaking words that are harsh and rude? Comparing school grades with others? 

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond

Share your reflections as a family, and pray together for God to give you wisdom and strength to be different so as to please God and not please friends.

Week 3 Family Devotional Guide
We are usually careful with what we put into our bodies through our mouths - most of us don’t pick up food from the floor to eat even if it is our favourite food like chocolate (the 3-second rule is a myth!). We also need to be careful with what we put into our bodies through our eyes and ears - what do we watch on our devices, and what do we listen to? The more we watch or listen to things that are not appropriate - words that are unkind, songs that contain inappropriate lyrics, games that are violent - the more unhealthy we grow to become.

✍️ This month’s devotions are contributed by Carol Loi (@joyful.carol), a verified digital wellness educator and a Fellow of the Centre for Media Literacy.

📖 Read

1 Corinthians 10:23 NLT

🤔 Reflect

What are some things that you have allowed into your body through your eyes and ears that you know are not right? How do you decide what is healthy or not healthy for you when you are using your devices?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond

Discuss the questions as a family, and ask each other what you think and observe about how we are using our devices. Pray together to ask God for wisdom in making decisions about what you watch and listen to.

Week 4 Family Devotional Guide
When we enjoy our food, we should think about what we are eating. For example, what ingredients go into the delicious pizza? What made us want to eat something - did we see an advertisement? Or did our friends keep telling us that it is delicious? Or we saw influencers sharing on social media? In the same way, we can also practice thinking about what we are watching on the internet. For example, what is the video trying to make us think and feel? What is it trying to make us do? Is that true, a little bit untrue, or a total scam?

📖 Read

Colossians 2:3 NLT
In Him lie hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

🤔 Reflect

How have you been thinking about what you are watching and listening on the internet? How much do you discuss with your parents or trusted adults about what you watched or listened to? What do they think about your choices?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond

Share your reflection with your family and listen to what each other has to say. Pray together and help one another in the family to stay close to God, so that every member in the family can discover the treasures of Godly wisdom and knowledge together.


This month’s devotions are contributed by Carol Loi (@joyful.carol), a verified digital wellness educator and a Fellow of the Centre for Media Literacy.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.


February: You have to! You need it!

Theme: Peer Pressure

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision! 

Weekly devotional guides are below.


Week 1 Family Devotional Guide

Every little decision we make is an expression of who we are and what we want in life. Some are inconsequential, while others compound together and develop into something that impacts us in a bigger way. Our decisions also reveal what truly motivates us, underneath the choices we make. In this month’s Sticky Situation, Joanne is hesitant and unsure about what to do because unseen forces are pulling her in two directions: to be prudent with money or risk being rejected by her friends.

📖 Read
Matthew 6:21 (ESV)
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

🤔 Reflect
Consider what motivates your choices and actions. What is the “treasure” that you seek as you make a particular choice? Why do you see that as valuable to you?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Make a list of the things you truly value. Identify the top three things and bring them to the Lord.

Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

Back to Joanne’s dilemma.

Friendship or prudence? Camaraderie or pocket-money? Can we use money to buy friendships?

Joanne can choose to be wise, prudent, and honest about not wanting to spend money buying something she does not need. And of course, dressing like the Gals Generations together will be cool. What if spending a few dollars would really help develop the friendships between the girls? Some decisions are hard because the underlying motivations that pull us apart are seemingly all “good”! That’s what makes situations truly sticky. 

📖 Read

1 Corinthians 2:5 (ESV)
…so that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.

🤔 Reflect
Consider biblical principles and biblical counsel in making life choices. What would God require of us? How should God’s people choose? Will we trust God enough to take care of the consequences of our choices when we seek to honour him? 

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Most of the decisions we make in life are also faith choices. Pray that we will learn to trust God and surrender our choices to Him as a key part of growing spiritually. 

Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

What drives certain people to do certain things? Why would some people surrender all they have to follow Jesus Christ? Why would others devote their lives to build an empire of their own glory? Why would a merchant of pearls, upon finding one pearl of great value, go and sold all he has to buy it (Matthew 13:45–46, ESV)? The answer is simple: understanding what is of true, eternal value.

📖 Read

Luke 14:33 (ESV)

So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple.

🤔 Reflect
An important decision in life is choosing between the costs of discipleship and the rewards of being a disciple of Jesus Christ. What are such costs in your life and what are the rewards of being a disciple of Christ?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
Being a disciple of Jesus Christ is costly. Ask God to help us see these costs from the right perspective and make the right valuation.

Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

When choices are made, we have to learn to live with the consequences. For Christians, learning to live for Jesus Christ demands faith and courage. This is what we see in God’s people in the Bible—men and women desiring to love God and others, making life choices by faith, living for Jesus, and fulfilling God’s intent for His people to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

📖 Read

Hebrews 10:35 (ESV)

Therefore do not throw away your confidence, which has a great reward.

Hebrews 11:26 (ESV)

He considered the reproach of Christ greater wealth than the treasures of Egypt, for he was looking to the reward.

🤔 Reflect
Have you committed to God certain decisions and tasted the trustworthiness of God? If God is calling you to live in a particular way that may not be popular in the eyes of others, can you trust Him enough to obey him?

🏃🏻‍♂️ Respond
What is one thing you would commit to trust and obey in what God wants of you? Share this with your family and pray together to ask for God’s help to do this.


This month’s devotions are contributed by Dr. Peter Ho, Academic Dean and an Associate Professor of Old Testament at the School of Theology (English) at Singapore Bible College. He is an alumnus of the College (2012) and joined the faculty in 2017. Prior to his doctoral studies, Dr. Peter ministered for about three years in an English congregation.

He is married to Wendy and they have four children. They currently worship at a Presbyterian church.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.



January: Back to School

Theme: Fear and Uncertainty

Flip the book below to read the sticky situation. Discuss the options given and make a decision! 

Weekly devotional guides are below.

Week 1 Family Devotional Guide 

It's normal to feel anxious or worried when we don't know what will happen next, but our response to these feelings determine who we put our trust in. When things in life slip beyond our control, let us find hope by remembering the One who "holds all things together" (Col 1:17).

Read more here.

Week 2 Family Devotional Guide

We often classify our fears and anxieties into two big categories: “big stuff” and “small stuff”. We have no trouble bringing the “big stuff” to God. It’s the “small stuff” that we often end up fretting over because we think to ourselves: surely God has bigger things to worry about! The fact though, is that God does not make a distinction between the “big stuff” and the “small stuff”. He cares for “ALL stuff”! This week, let’s turn all our worries to Him - simply because He cares for us.

Read more here.

Week 3 Family Devotional Guide

𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐦, 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐮𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬. ☀️

When we’re going through an anxious time, it can feel like a dreary rainstorm with no end in sight. What we need in those moments is for someone to gently point out to us the cracks in the rain clouds where the sun’s rays are shining through. These are reminders that the storm will pass, and that even amidst flashing lightning and rumbling thunder, there is hope and beauty to be found.

A kind word; a simple prayer; a listening ear - God brings people along to offer us these little gestures of hope to remind us that even in the storm, the sun still shines.

Read more here.

Week 4 Family Devotional Guide

𝐑𝐮𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬

An ancient fortress is kept safe not just by what it is made of, but also by the people who live in it. God is a fortress for us, not just because He is all-powerful, but because in Christ, we find a community of believers in whom we can seek refuge and find shelter.
The walls of a fortress not only project strength; they also promise safety.

In times of trial and trouble, let us run to God our fortress; and to God’s people, our fellow fortress-dwellers.

Read more here.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to partner with the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.
