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Basic Christian Beliefs Series

Basic Christian Beliefs

Basic Christian Beliefs

Session 7: Do I Know You?

(Published on 11 July 2020)

TTB Online Children's Programme

Click here to download Parent's Guide.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Session 6: Who Do You Look Like?

(Published on 4 July 2020)

TTB Online Children's Programme

Click here to download Parent's Guide.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Session 5: Mr Know-It-All

(Published on 27 June 2020)

Basic Christian Beliefs

Click here to download Parent's Guide.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Session 4: I've Got The Power!

(Published on 11 April 2020)

TTB Online children's programme 4

WATCH (35 minutes):

Click here to download Parent's Guide.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Session 3: You need the KEY!

(Published on 4 April 2020)

Online Children's Programme Session3

WATCH (35 minutes):


Click here to download Parent's Guide.

Click here to download Good Friday Special Programme Invitation Card

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Session 2: The Three Letter Word - SIN

(Published on 28 March 2020)

WATCH (39 minutes):

Click here to download Parent's Guide.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Session 1: Is God real if I can't see Him?

(Published on 21 March 2020)

Basic Christian Beliefs 2

WATCH (32 minutes): 

 Click here to download Parent's Guide.

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.