Newly-launched Child of God Activity Kit!

Online Children's Programme

TTB Online Children's ProgrammeWelcome to The Treasure Box Singapore's online children's programme!

In view of the current COVID-19 situation in Singapore, we have filmed a series of online kids' programmes that your child can watch from home. As physical church services have been suspended and moved online, we believe it's important for our kids to continue having "church" as well. So, much like your child will head off to Sunday School or Kids' Church, you can let them watch our programme on a separate device while you're streaming your online service.
Our weekly programme will be uploaded to our Facebook page on Saturdays, 5pm, and will include praise and worship, an interactive lesson, as well as a fun response activity that kids can do on their own at home.
We hope that this will help to support families in their faith journeys, even though external circumstances may seem disruptive. We believe that this is an opportunity for families to bond and grow together, as we continue to trust the Lord to come and heal our land.

Note to parents / guardians / kidmin workers

Click here for our general guide on our online children's programme before you screen the programme. 

For each session, an accompanying parent's guide with suggested discussion pointers and activities is provided for your family or small group to continue the conversation. Check them out here!

Children Programme Series

Growing In God Series

Growing In God Series

Find all session videos here.

Find all accompanying parent's guide below:

Session 1: The B.I.B.L.E. That's the book for me!

Session 2: Stay Connected Through Prayer

Session 3: Worship Is All About Jesus

Session 4: God's Family is the Best Family

Session 5: Tell Someone

Session 6: God Loves A Cheerful Giver

Session 7: Give It Up!

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Basic Christian Beliefs

 Online Children's Programme

Find all session videos here.

Find all accompanying parent's guide below:

Session 1: Is God Real If I Can't See? 

Session 2: The Three Letter Word: SIN

Session 3: I Have The KEY!

Session 4: I've Got The POWER!

Session 5: Mr Know-It-All

Session 6: Who Do You Look Like?

Session 7: Do I Know You?

If you and your family enjoyed this resource, and would like to give a love gift to the ministry of The Treasure Box Singapore in reaching families in Singapore and beyond, click here.

Christian Character Qualities

Christian Character Qualities

Find all session videos here.

Find all accompanying parent's guide below: