You prepare a table before me
in the presence of my enemies;
you anoint my head with oil;
my cup overflows. Psalm 23:5 ESV
From his abundance we have all received one gracious blessing after another. John 1:16 NLT
Our beloved Serious Rabbit and friends have got CNY wishes for everyone! The “Abundance” series of angbaos feature everyone’s favourite anthropomorphic rabbits from @mushdoodles as they share CNY blessings based on Psalm 23:5 and John 1:16.
On the back, the verses are strategically printed in both English and Chinese just next to the flap, so that recipients get to see and read God's Word even before they open the angbao!
Great for Chinese New Year and also for other festive and celebratory occasions, these angbaos are not just useful for holding cash, but also for sowing seeds of the Gospel in the homes and hearts of the recipients. What better gift to give than the blessings of Almighty God? ❤️
Purchase 1 pack of 6 angbaos (3 of each design) at $4.50, or grab 3 packs at only $10!
16.5cm x 9cm
Take a look at the other TTB 2023 Angbao Series! God With Us Series