2025 Family Devotional Wall Planner! WP4OFF for $4 Off!


King Jesus is the cornerstone of all that The Treasure Box exists to do. (Acts 4:11)
bible  God’s Word contains treasured instructions and wisdom for this world that we live in, as well as for the eternal life we will share with Christ.
(Hebrews 4:12)
We have been equipped with spiritual weapons – prayer; worship; fellowship – that have divine power to demolish strongholds.
(2 Cor 10:3-6)
Although we live in a broken world, we can remain steadfast and grateful, because Jesus, our High Priest, understands what we go through.
(Heb 4:16)
God’s heart is for families, and He chooses to use families as a vehicle to bring transformation and blessing to communities and to nations.
(Genesis 12:3)