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Join the Quest: Attributes of God!

Join the Quest: Attributes of God!

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Together, let's discover who God is, what his character is like, and what that means for us as his followers.


Romans 1:20 tells us that "... since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature— have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."

Join us on this journey to explore the attributes of God - qualities that are part of God's divine nature.

Here are the steps:

(1) Cart out Download the drawing template with the 12 attributes of God below.

(2) Read the Bible verse and the key idea about the attributes and choose one that you would like to focus on. Feel free to share or discuss with your family!

(3) Draw what you think or feel that attribute looks like.

(4) Scan the drawing at minimum 300dpi or higher and save it as print-quality PDF or high res PNG.

(5) Submit your file at bit.ly/ttb-aog-submission with your particulars.

Do note that the the submission period is from 5 Sep to 10 Oct.

We can't wait to receive your artwork! :)


IMPORTANT: Make sure that your submission is an original creation!

Do not use or copy copyrighted content such as computer graphics or designs, which do not belong to you.